Professional Development

The Society of Irish Foresters has introduced a Programme of Continuous Professional Development as a means of confirming that professional foresters are up to date in current forestry practice and other matters of professional development. This will be of considerable value to those who depend on consumer confidence to attract business. It will also help to identify those who are professional foresters, as distinct from those who are not, but yet purport to be professionals, to the detriment of the profession. An advantage of becoming involved in the Programme is that it will help you to upgrade your knowledge of forestry, knowing that you are maintaining professional standards.

All members of the Society are welcome to engage in this Programme. Those who are working as professional foresters, or are involved in offering a related professional service are expected to become involved in the Programme, if they wish to continue to use the designation MSIF. The Society will facilitate members to maintain good standing within the Programme, not least by providing information on appropriate courses and events. The modus operandi is to grant points for attending appropriate events throughout the year. A minimum of 90 points must be earned over a three year period (i.e. an average of 30 points per year) to stay in good standing within the Programme. You will see on the attached note entitled Continuous Professional Development Procedures that the points are such that not too many days attending events would see you gaining the required 30 points. The Society recognises the commitment members make to their professional development by attending a variety of courses and educational events outside those promoted by the Society. Such courses and events will be recognised within the CPD Programme, but it will be the duty of the members attending to notify the Society so that they can obtain appropriate points.

The Programme was launched at the Society’s Annual Symposium 2003 and is retrospective to 01/01/2003. The Society will actively promote the scheme, and the relevance of the MSIF designation, ensuring that the public are aware of this further step in advancing the profession of forestry. It is the aim of the Society to ensure that it is always professional foresters who are engaged to undertake forestry operations and planning where a professional input is required. All Technical Members, with the designation MSIF, are being entered into the Programme. If you do not have a professional involvement in forestry or related fields, and do not wish to become involved with the Programme, please let the Society know. On the other hand, members who do not bear the MSIF designation may wish to become involved and we would be very pleased to have you on board.

Please read and become familiar with the Continuous Professional Development Procedures note enclosed. If you have any concerns or experience difficulty in attaining points please contact the Society office.