the society of irish foresters


Become a member of The Society of Irish Foresters

As a society it is our members that ensure our longevity. We are always looking for new members to join.

Membership Categories


Technical Members

Technical members must hold an appropriate primary degree in forestry, or an appropriate higher degree in forestry which includes a management plan and dissertation to full academic standard and examined by the Society, or a forestry diploma of a recognised university or other educational institution recognised by the Society, or have successfully completed a full-time forestry course at a forestry school recognised by the Society, or hold the Foresters Certificate of the Society. Technical members may use the designation MSIF.

Student Members

Student members are persons interested in promoting the objectives of the Society who are pursuing a forestry degree in a university or third level institution which is recognised by the Society.

Associate Members

Associate members do not need to hold a technical forestry qualification but should be desirous of promoting the objectives of the Society and have an interest in forestry generally.

Honorary Members

Honorary members are persons who have rendered notable service to the advancement of forestry, or who may be deemed worthy of such recognition for any other reason consistent with the objectives of the Society.